Tuesday, September 15, 2009

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Noel Swanson

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tico Times Costa Rica

This is a pretty amazing photo!  I just had to put it on here!  It is from the Tico Times website the do news in Costa Rica.  I have a friend that used to write for them.  Anyway, enjoy this amazing image!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Paul Van Dyk's Myspace is pretty awesome!

This is a clip from Paul's myspace design.  I just wanted to compliment 
the designer, I am not sure who did it, but the colors, and angles, textures, 
and everything about it is just done really really well!

Friday, May 1, 2009

OK this is just awesome!!!!

Mario and Luigi

Mario and Luigi

OK super super cool!!!! I was so excited when I saw the widget that
http://icongamez.com/playgame.php?id=2095 created.  Now I can have my favorite game from childhood on my blog.  How awesome is that?  I love it!  So who would you want to play with more Mario or Luigi???  I think for me it would be Mario, I would have to take Luigi's place, and forget being the princess she doesn't get to have any fun.  She is always stuck in some dungeon next to hot lava and hanging out with Bowser.  LOL

Social Media Marketing and Twitter

The Twitter Explosion!

It seems to me that the major tweeters on twitter are tweeting about the most tweeted things. Wow that was a lot of twitter in one sentence right. LOL! What I mean is that everyone knows that you can now feed all tweets that are revolving around specific keywords onto a website. So for example everyone is freaking about the swine flu lately, and this is the most tweeted keyword on twitter right now. Somehow I don't think that everyone is tweeting about swine flu because they actually want to talk about it, I think that they are tweeting so that they can get more exposure from potentially having their tweets fed onto other sites.

What do you think???

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

For more widgets please visit www.yourminis.com Free Stock Quotes